As Author

For a full list of written work, please reach out via the contact form. A list of written articles can be found on Google Scholar. You can find information about selected resources below.

Rosie Rocks!

Learn about my debut Children’s Book, available through Enharmonic Books.

Educational Resources

Find a list of resources on creativity and community published through my publishing company, F-flat Books.


My first-person storytelling has been featured on The Moth and through weekly reflections via my Substack.

Take a writing workshop with me.

Other selected written works

Creativity in the Classroom: An Innovative Approach to Integrate Arts Education

The Learner-Centered Music Classroom (Chapter Contributor)

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Popular Music Education (Chapter Contributor)

Music Play II (Song Contributor)

Releasing Music: A Guide for Artists and Educators (forthcoming, Oxford University Press)

Songwriting for Music Educators

The Comprehensive Beginning Guitar Curriculum

The Creative String Orchestra

In Tune Magazine (Regular Column Contributor for “The Write Stuff”)

Teaching Music Magazine (Regular Article Contributor)