
My favorite things in the world usually involve stories, music, and people that I love.

I began my career in education in 2007 after graduating with my Bachelor of Music Education from Temple University in Philadelphia. Over the next four years, I learned how to be a teacher while simultaneously growing my work as a songwriter and touring musician.

In 2011, my curiosities about how students learn led me to pursue a Ph.D. in music education. Through studying the field of informal learning and researching best practices in creative education, I developed courses and texts on how to help students embrace creativity and develop agency through arts education.

In 2019, I started a fair pay publishing company to address the growing inequities in the educational publishing system. Shortly after that, I teamed up with Kat Reinhert to publish courses and support for music educators in the area of songwriting.

Currently, I spend my time growing my businesses while helping teachers and school districts find ways to meet their students through creative practice. An active musician, I continue to write and perform in and around Philadelphia, PA. When not making music or telling stories, you can find me hanging at home with my drummer husband, three incredible kids, and a lovable dog.